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C3 Newsletter 

Carolina Career Community 

March 2021


Tell Your Students!

Access to Handshake and UCS support for May, August, and December 2020 graduates is extended through May, August, and December 2021, respectively.


Mark Your Calendars

Mark your calendars with these virtual opportunities:

Join us for an interactive conversation focusing on diversity equity and inclusion trends in the recruiting and employer engagement space. How can we better engage with and inform recruiters of the diversity of our student cohorts? What are those in employer engagement seeing as best practices to provide diverse opportunities for our increasingly diverse student body? How do we adopt a lens of equity in all of our functions as career professionals? Let’s gather, share and learn together.

Do the new changes to LinkedIn have you confused? Are you unsure how to use these changes to meet your needs? Do you need help training students in the effective use of LinkedIn? Don’t miss this opportunity to be introduced to the new features on LinkedIn.

Spring 2021 C3 Virtual Conference recording and presentations


More Professional Development Opportunities


Advance Your Career

Featured current UNC-Chapel Hill Openings:



  • Submit topics and areas of interest for upcoming C3 offerings here
  • Access past C3 offerings recordings and materials here
  • Submit feedback on C3 website here
  • Submit content for the next C3 newsletter here
  • Add a colleague to C3 listserv here
  • Unsubscribe from C3 listserv here
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