New C3 Website!
- Check out our new C3 website here! Please, direct any feedback to Ms. Kaitlyn Bayley.
Virtual University Career Services (UCS)
- Virtual career counseling
- Industry information and online resources
- Virtual employer and alumni events
- New page: COVID-19 job search
- May 2020 graduates will have access to Handshake and UCS support until May 2021
Mark Your Calendars!
- April 16 C3 Lunch Time Check In
- April 21 C3 Lunch Time Check In
- April 29 C3 Lunch Time Check In
- April 22 NACE Webinar “Mental Health & Career Development” 1 pm Register directly with NACE $99 member or $119 nonmember
- April 23 NACE Webinar “Building a Career Community with Faculty Partners” 1 pm Register directly with NACE $99 member or $119 nonmember
- May 6 NACE Webinar “Viewpoint Series: Unconscious Bias” 1 pm Register directly with NACE $99 member or $119 nonmember
- June 10 C3 Virtual Conference *virtual conference survey to solicit your ideas will be sent out soon*
- TBD Friday in early Fall C3 Annual Conference UNC Chapel Hill
- May 21 NCCDA Morning Musings
- June 24-26 SoACE Employer Relations Summit
- December 13-16 SoACE Annual Conference
- June 2-5 NACE Annual Conference
- June 30-July 2 NCDA Annual Conference
- November 2-4 The Collective 2020
Job Openings:
- N/A
First Destination Survey 2020
- This year, more than ever, it will be important to have C3 members assistance encouraging graduate participation in our annual First Destination Survey (for undergraduate students only). As you know, this survey’s results impact our rankings and accreditation, in addition to informing all of our decision making. Email requests from C3 members, announcements in capstone classes, posts on familiar social media, etc. will be the best way to encourage a strong response rate in 2020.
First Destination Survey 2019 Results
- FDS 2019 results for May 2019 undergraduate graduates are now available. 94% are employed or are continuing education. 54% are employed full-time. 53% are in the state of North Carolina. Learn more and access previous reports here.
Peace Corps Updates
- Coffee with the Peace Corps
- Peace Corps Virtual Events
April 15 5:30-6 pm Peace Corps General Information Session
April 17 9 am – 5 pm Peace Corps Application Workshop with all-Day Drop-In Hours
April 20 5:30-6:30 pm Sector Specific Information Session: Agriculture/Environment
April 21 5:30-6:30 pm Sector Specific Information Session: Education
April 24 6-7:30 pm Peace Corps Panel: Serving in West Africa- Lessons Learned during Ramadan
- Peace Corp Ambassador Program
Are you interested in global outreach and working in different countries once you graduate? Does learning a new language, living in a rural community and exploring a new culture excite you? If so, Peace Corps is right for you! If you want to improve your skills, think about becoming a Peace Corps Campus Ambassador! This position is open to undergraduate and graduate students at UNC. Apply here by April 17 by 5 pm PST.
For more details or with any questions contact Mira Singhal.
Campus Partners Student Insights Survey
- UCS Employer Relations team is collecting information based on how often students inquire about certain industry clusters and what student attributes we should be discussing and highlighting when speaking to employers. We appreciate your time in taking this 5-question survey by Tuesday April 21.
- Have something for the next C3 newsletter? Submit your information for consideration to Dr. Nadia Korobova.
- Want to add a colleague to C3 listserv? Want to be removed from C3 listserv? Email Dr. Nadia Korobova
- Want to stay connected? C3 listserv members can reach out to each other directly via listserv. Please, be mindful that your message will reach over 120 UNC Chapel Hill staff and faculty.
- Interested in receiving UCS Pulse? It is an electronic UCS student newsletter sent bi-weekly to all UNC Chapel Hill students with Handshake account. If so, email Dr. Nadia Korobova