C3 Newsletter
Carolina Career Community
December 2021
Thank You & Have a Restful Break!
Thank you, UNC Career Community! This semester has been challenging to say the least, and we wanted to share our appreciation for the work that you continue to do with students. We have seen so many of our colleagues leave UNC, higher education, and/or career services, and though sometimes this has left more burden on you, we wanted you to know you are appreciated and supported through our community! We are excited to continue connecting and supporting one another across campus again in the spring. Happy holidays and have a restful break!
Dr. Nadia Korobova, Associate Director, Kenan-Flagler Business School (Chair)
Jarveal Baker, Professional Development & Career Coach, Honors Carolina
Kaitlyn Bayley, Assistant Director, UCS
Allison Binkley, Associate Director, Career Services & Professional Development, MPA Program
Sandra Chandler, Associate Director, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Jacquie Gist, Assistant Director, UCS
Dr. Lori Haight, Career Services Coordinator, School of Library & Information Science
Joe Hayes, Assistant Director, Career Development & Employer Relations, Undergraduate Business Program
Dr. Susanne Killian, Associate Director, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Cricket Lane, Associate Athletic Director, UNC Athletics
Invitation to Join C3 Committee
Have you considered joining C3 committee? C3 committee is looking for new members to broaden its representation across the university. Its purpose is to plan programming for C3 at large. C3 committee generally meets bi-weekly for one hour and its members can expect to spend 1-2 additional hours per month for committee work. Candidates must be present C3 members. If interested in learning more, please contact C3 planning committee chair.
Spring 2022 C3 Programming Survey
C3 planning committee needs your feedback! Please, take a few moments to take this brief anonymous C3 programming survey. We rely on your feedback to guide our work!
Tell Your Students!
- February 16, 2022: Carolina Career Exploration & Experience Day (STEM Majors)
- February 17, 2022: Carolina Career Exploration & Experience Day (All Majors)
- March 22, 2022: Health Schools Information Fair
- March 24, 2022: Mid-Semester Last Minute Job Fair (All Majors)
- April 6, 2022: SEC & ACC Virtual Career Fair
Mark Your Calendars!
- February TBD, 2022: C3 Virtual Workshop
- February TBD, 2022: C3 Virtual Lunchtime Check-In
- March TBD, 2022: C3 Virtual Workshop
- March TBD, 2022: C3 Virtual Lunchtime Check-In
- April TBD, 2022: C3 Virtual Workshop
- April TBD, 2022: C3 Virtual Lunchtime Check-In
NOTE: you do not have to attend a workshop in order to attend consequent lunchtime check-in; recordings will continue to be available, but are not required watching prior to attending lunchtime check-ins
More Professional Development Opportunities!
- January & March, 2022: Coach Approach Trainings (virtual & in person options)
- February 4, 2022: NCCDA 2022 Annual Conference (virtual)
- Early bird registration deadline November 19
- May 11-13, 2022: NCACE 2022 Annual Conference (in person)
- June 6 – 9, 2022: NACE 2022 Conference & Expo (in person)
- June 28-29, 2022: NACE 2022 Conference & Expo (virtual)
Advance Your Career!
- Assistant Director for Career Coaching and Education closes 12/27/21
- Honors Carolina Coach (Tech) closes 1/3/22